How Profitable is your Lending Program?

  • Are you spending in the right places?
  • Where are your revenue opportunities?
  • Are you leveraging the latest technologies?
  • Have you optimized your acquisition channels?
Lending program

Learn How to Increase Profits Now!

How does this work?
How it Works
This profit opportunity assessment will show you areas in your lending business that can benefit from a modern lending platform.  Don’t worry about having every data point, as long as you know yearly volume of closed loans, your good.  The more you input the smarter the calculations get.

All submissions are private and data is NOT stored. You don't have to worry about revealing private information.
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Learn How to Increase Profitin 6 Key Areas*



Are you maximizing automation, optimization, visibility, and workflows?


Are you overspending on development, technology or hosting?

Data Costs

Have you negotiated the best pricing for your credit, kyc, and open banking services?
Default Rate

Default Rate

Are you doing enough to lower default rates?
Close Rate

Close Rate

Do your close rates match up with industry high standards?


Is your marketing ROI worth the spend?


My team and I had a great experience working with Business Warrior teams on our customized lending application. We received appropriate dedication of resources and time under the contracts we have engaged. The teams interact with ours in the spirit of a collaborative partnership versus merely a 'vendor' who is selling us time and labor.
Pam Perdue
Chief Compliance Officer, Kifi
Pay Plan

PayPlan is our flagship lending platform built for one purpose - to make lenders more profitable.  It’s a completely transformative solution designed to simplify and optimize the entire loan lifecycle, from acquisition to application to decisioning to loan management.

Loan Origination
Loan Origination
Loan Origination
Loan Management
Decision Engine
Decision Engine
Loan Origination
Marketing Services
PayPlan Background